We help you weave your aspirations into actions.
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Lumenance Consulting & Coaching

we help you weave your aSPIRATIONS into actions


Working with Lumenance


“You taught us the discipline of discussing what’s really important.”
-Board President

How do you answer Peter Hawkins’ fundamental question: “What can you uniquely do that the world of tomorrow needs?”

You are here to help improve the world – maybe even to transform it. You may be at a crossroads. Lumenance is here to support and partner with you as you define your expansive purpose and your vision for the future and turn them into reality, while helping you address immediate, impelling demands.

Lumenance Consulting clients are typically concerned with the future welfare of people and the planet. They come especially from:

  • nonprofits, foundations, and associations

  • higher educational institutions

  • the building industry

  • community development and civic organizations

  • organizations handling issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion


Lumenance Consulting supports you in:

Individual coaching and leadership development: Building on your strengths to achieve your most important goals

Mission, vision, values, strategic planning: Translating your purpose into a flexible road map

Systemic team coaching: Improving your collective performance—considering the task, the process, the team, and the wider context

Organizational development and governance consulting: Building the structures and practices that ensure success

Meeting and retreat facilitation: Designing and leading inclusive, collaborative, productive processes


Benefits of Working with Lumenance Consulting

  • Expansive vision and clear roadmap

  • Improved individual and team performance

  • Collective vision and traction

  • Streamlined efforts

  • Deeper connection to your stakeholders and the world


IS THIS WHAT YOU NEED? i’m here to help.